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Dog Walker at the Park


Mastering the Art of Canine Companionship

Whether your dog is jumping on people, pulling on leash, or needs to enhance their basic foundational behaviors, this program is for you!​​


In this program, you’ll learn a proven process and receive a customized plan to reduce overwhelm, improve your dog's behavior, and regain tranquility in your own home.


Advantages of our Cityside Obedience program:

  • The whole family will be on the same page for their dog’s training

  • Confidence in what you’re doing and how you’re handling your dog

  • Your household will be properly set up to manage your dog inside and out

  • Your dog will improve their skills with basic behaviors like sit, stay, and down.

Unleash The Possibility

We help clients who are dealing with dogs who are jumping on people, pulling on leashes, or being unruly and become empowered and knowledgeable teachers in their dog’s life. We do this by


  1. Setting up a household structure where you and the dog can thrive

  2. Show you the exact steps to take to modify your dog's problem behavior

  3. Put together a future plan that the family can follow to reinforce the desired behavior for the rest of the dog's life.


So that you can feel confident that your dog will listen and respond to you and you can have the canine- partner you dreamed of.

Dogs that ace their obedience can register for AKC Canine Good Citizen Test! This test gathers 10 foundational skills that provide the perfect framework for training your dog to become a polite member of society. Passing dogs will earn an official certificate from the American Kennel Club.Let your trainer know if you'd like to register for the CGC Booster.

Enjoy Adventures Again.. This Time With Your Dog

  • Teach your dog cues such as sit, down, stay, and leave it

  • Gain the insight to have your dog walk next to you without pulling on leash

  • Build a strong relationship with your dog using a positive foundation of training techniques

  • Create an enriching life that both you and your dog enjoy

Dog Portrait

Cityside Obedience (Intro Package)

1 one-hour virtual lesson to get to know your situation and start action planning. Plus, 1 one-hour lesson in your home. Add lessons at your convenience.


  • Allows your trainer to set your home environment up for success​

  • Good for questions and answers a long with 1 lesson follow-up

  • No commitment necessary

Cityside Obedience Program

Contact Us

15 minute Phone Call

6, and 8 lesson packages. Each package offers one-hour lessons in your home. This specialty package comes with the most frequent hands on work, trainer guidance, and can be used to work with your dog in your own home or to take your trainer alongside you throughout Austin.


  • Allows your trainer to set each environment up for success

  • Great for dogs that need to learn basic cues like sit, down, and stay

  • Gradual exposure to public outings and mannerly greetings

  • Customizable to what you're looking to work on

  • Dress like a pro: Your trainer will give you guidance on what equipment you need to wear that will further progress

  • Phone and Email Support

  • Free Extra Lesson up to 1 month after the ending of the dog training program

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